I’ve moved many, many times over the years. It feels like I’ve got it down to a science. The toughest thing about moving into a new space is getting it set up and decorated the way you want. It takes time and energy to think about how things would fit and to move furniture around until you find just the right combination. I’m still working on those things in the new house.
This is the only room, besides the kitchen, that I would really consider done. It was probably intended to be a living room but its being used as a library / dining room. I wanted to have a nice, quiet reading room with a lovely view. The reading recliner still has to be located and purchased for that window corner but it’s on the list. A stereo system still has to be installed but that is on the list too. Probably could stand to hang a few more pictures on the walls too. Hum, ok I’ll stop now. Overall I’d say it feels nice and comfortable and like a very relaxing space.
Nice looking dinningroom/libary. I just love the big book case.
Your bunnies are so cute.
Posted by: doubleknot | March 25, 2007 at 07:58 AM
That armoire is a beautiful piece of furniture, and I love the color of your room. It definately looks peaceful!
Posted by: Sarah | March 25, 2007 at 08:46 AM
What a beautiful spot! I love all the windows. It looks absolutely lovely - so warm and inviting.
... and you're killing me softly with all your spring flower photos. I am living spring vicariously through you, if that's alright.
Posted by: Colleen | March 25, 2007 at 10:29 AM
Your dining/library room exudes warmth and calm. I really like it. What I most like, however, are all the books and THOSE RADIOS(!) on the top of the bookshelves. Those are fantastic. I have one old radio, a bit similar, and we use it every day--
Posted by: kodachrome | March 25, 2007 at 10:48 AM
Yes, it's a lovely room, pretty chairs and armoire!
Posted by: Account Deleted | March 25, 2007 at 11:14 AM
Love the chessboard out on the table and those radios look right at home! What a beautiful room to enjoy :)
Posted by: Lindsey | March 25, 2007 at 11:40 AM
Your home and furnishings are stunning. Just lovely...
Posted by: Vanessa | March 25, 2007 at 01:08 PM
It looks very comfy and inviting!
Posted by: Jennifer | March 25, 2007 at 03:06 PM
Very comfortable looking room. Everything looks so neat!
Posted by: Barb | March 25, 2007 at 06:17 PM
I love your dining room/library...it's so light and airy. I think it's a perfect place for a library.
Your bunnies are sweet too...You get your talent from your mom or your aunt. Or maybe they get if from you!!!
I've read many of your posts and you have a very delightful blog. Spring looks very pretty in Georgia.
Posted by: Sandy | March 25, 2007 at 07:25 PM
Oh how beautiful! I really love that yellow on the walls.
We're 'flipping' a house right now and I've painted the kitchen that same shade of yellow! :)
Posted by: Beki (pamperingbeki) | March 26, 2007 at 05:54 PM
Your home looks lovely!
I love the color of the walls and the antique radios!
thanks for the comment on my blog!
Posted by: Tricia | March 26, 2007 at 11:26 PM
What a wonderful room! I've been thinking of doing something like that if we are able to move, to combine a library with the dining room, as the current rooms don't make sense (separate library, dining room, living room). I love your old radios and those big bright windows! I hope we can find something that nice.
Posted by: Debby | March 27, 2007 at 10:10 AM
oh boy, you have a great house! That amwoir (sp?) is to die for! Thanks for checking in at my blog!
Posted by: pamdora | March 27, 2007 at 10:14 AM
Oooh!! I LOVE your bookshelves! That's just what we need around here. We have so many books and they are spilling out in piles on the floor. Also love the yellow of your walls! my walls at our old house were that color. It's so cheery and cozy
Posted by: Sarah | March 29, 2007 at 06:32 PM
what a lovely room! the armoire and your collection of old radios are fantastic!
Posted by: Veronica TM | April 02, 2007 at 09:16 PM
Our dining room is also my library too!
Posted by: Molly | June 18, 2007 at 07:29 PM