Its amazing what a fun weekend you can have in a small town. Hard to believe that its December when you can sit outside and have a fabulous Italian meal. And that's just what we did on Friday night in downtown Macon at Lugio's Bistro. The windows were thrown open and live music drifted out onto the sidewalk while pedestrians strolled by and bicycle cops rolled by. It was First Friday in Macon and lots of folks were out and about enjoying the live music, having a meal, and enjoying the Christmas lights.
Then it was on to the the Douglas Theater for the best concert of the the year. If you ever get a chance to see Steve Baughman and Robin Bullock in concert please take it! These fellows are so talented that they've won music awards for their Celtic guitar playing.
Thank goodness for Joe Cullison's Acoustic Productions for bringing this duo, as well as other talented musicians, to town. Its worth a peak at their tour schedule to see if one or both of them are coming to your area because folks, you will not be disappointed! They will delight you with airs, jigs, and reels in Celtic and Appalachian fiddle tunes that will lead you straight to their CD table after the show to bring home some of that beautiful music. Plus, they tour internationally so folks outside the U.S. have a chance to enjoy their music too. And congratulations to Robin who recently was selected as a semifinalist for a Grammy award.
Can't believe how wonderful the weather was on Saturday for Handmade Holiday. My creatures and I enjoyed not only the weather but all the terrific folks who came out to do their holiday shopping. Thanks everyone!
There was something for everyone and if you want to see more pictures from the day wander on over the the Macon Market blog.
The unbelievably warm weather continued into Sunday where we took a quick trip to another small town, Dublin, Georgia, to visit my mother-in-law. It was perfect for Sunday driving, admiring the countryside and the sprinkling of Christmas decorations. And we even managed to squeeze in seeing Into the Wild, a film based on the book of the same title. This is a true story of a fellow who, after college, travels the U.S. on foot. He ultimately ends up in Alaska for his greatest adventure. Funnily enough, this movie was a hard one to find playing in theaters so we were lucky that we got a chance to see it.
Two happy dogs to come home to makes it all worth while. And the weekend ended with everyone cuddled up together to watch the Tivoed Charlie Brown Christmas special, which is one of my favorite shows of the season. Overall, the perfect small town weekend.
I love small towns...I come from one, so I appreciate the hidden exictments of small places. Your Macon looks and sounds a wonderful town! Glad you had such a fun weekend. And always joy to see your sweet fur-babies! Have a great week ((HUGS))
Posted by: Tracy | December 10, 2007 at 06:21 AM
Once again, Macon looks and sounds like a great town...all of the old buildings, the gardens and markets. I love your dogs. They look so adorable!!!!
Posted by: Michelle Anderson | December 10, 2007 at 07:52 AM
Hi Felicia - it's nice to meet you!
I love your dogs...they look so sweet. :)
I was going to take my Mom out to see Into the Wild a few months ago and it wasn't playing anywhere in my area. :(
Posted by: Tracy | December 10, 2007 at 08:43 AM
Luigi's Bistro looks marvellous. I can only dream about eating outside at this time of year.
Love your dog photos! They are cuties.
Posted by: Sara | December 10, 2007 at 09:29 AM
Sounds like a lovely way to spend the weekend!
Posted by: keri | December 10, 2007 at 09:47 AM
Fantastic. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend.
Posted by: iSew | December 10, 2007 at 10:31 AM
There's so much to do in Macon that I'm completely uneducated about! Maybe I should read my Sunday copy of the Macon Telegraph a bit closer. Dublin is a nice little town; we're usually there every couple of weeks to go out to eat or go to the doctor. Most of my high school dates with my now husband took place in Dublin, going to the movies, bowling, etc. because until recently my town didn't have a theater or more than a handful of fast food places. My husband and I will definitely be at the Handmade Holiday this Saturday, and I look forward to seeing your creations!
You can visit my blog at
Posted by: Edie | December 10, 2007 at 11:42 AM
We have been thinking about and enjoying many of the same sorts of things here lately, haven't we? I love Celtic music and fiddles and acoustic guitars and I think your evening sounds lovely.
The photos at night are quite wonderful and so it that theater. We have a couple of beautiful old theaters that have been restored here and they are beautiful too.
Your little handmade creatures are charming as usual.
A perfect weekend!
Best wishes to you!
Posted by: Mrs.Staggs | December 10, 2007 at 11:49 AM
felicia, I love your photos here! that sounds like the perfect evening. And those sweet!
Posted by: katie | December 10, 2007 at 01:59 PM
Cute puppies! Your weekend sounds wonderful, I just love it when you mention Macon and Georgia in your posts!!! I am such a Gone with the Wind fan!!! One day I will visit for sure:)
Posted by: Rachael | December 10, 2007 at 02:17 PM
Yep -- sounds just about perfect. Your weather, the activities, and the small town goodness! Love it!
Posted by: Angela | December 10, 2007 at 03:02 PM
WOW...that sounds like a fantastic weekend!!!!
You still have supper outside in December??? OMG I wish!
Posted by: Danielle Nilsson | December 10, 2007 at 03:40 PM
It does sound like the perfect weekend Felicia! (except for the part I'm ignoring about all the great weather and eating outside) ;)
Posted by: Karyn | December 10, 2007 at 06:58 PM
OH, what a fun weekend!
Posted by: michelle | December 10, 2007 at 11:43 PM
We would have been wearing parkas and earmuffs if we had to sit outside to eat. We shoveled some snow..did some shopping and... then did some more shopping and then some baking. I love this time of year... even me..who hates to shop.
Posted by: Veronica | December 11, 2007 at 12:11 AM
Your creatures look so happy out in the sun !
Posted by: Jodie | December 11, 2007 at 04:40 AM
It does sounds wonderful. I'm going to have to visit your town someday and eat the Italian food. Sigh.
Posted by: Brandy | December 11, 2007 at 10:54 AM
It sounds like a lovely weekend. Your dogs look so cute:)
Posted by: Chara Michele | December 11, 2007 at 03:28 PM
it does sound perfect! and those two faces are just adorable!
i read that book a long time ago and will have to rent the movie when it comes out on dvd.
Posted by: Veronica TM | December 11, 2007 at 05:44 PM
Oh what a lovely place to live! It's so romantic looking :)
And those sweet doggies...awww.
I LOVE the Charlie Brown Christmas special too!!
Posted by: Bethany | December 12, 2007 at 08:41 AM
The bistro looks lovely and romantic, I so wish I could eat outside this time of the year, but unless it's a popscicle it would be frozen. I'm glad you had fun in the small town and thanks for sharing the pics.
Posted by: Renee Kyweriga | December 12, 2007 at 06:53 PM
What lovely pictures and a beautiful day! I really enjoyed this post.
If I don't get to stop by in time, Merry Christmas! :)
Posted by: Jen | December 18, 2007 at 10:01 PM
Posted by: JORGELINA | December 19, 2007 at 12:14 PM