There are still oodles of awesome pictures I need to post from the recent garden tour I took.
I love that this home owner shared her garden design lay out with us.
Shade loving oak leaf hydrangea.
Squeezing in a bit of garden in a small city lot.
Shredded paper mulch.
Sweet tweet house.
Chickens in the middle of the city!
A front walkway lined with strawberry plants and a delightful herb garden out front.
Some neighbors with a pretty front garden.
Even nearby Washington park was a delight.
The perfect spot for a picnic.
Oh so much more from this garden tour to come!
what lovely pics! thank you for taking us along!
Posted by: missknits | May 14, 2009 at 03:13 PM
the gardens are beautiful there! would love a front yard like that lol
Posted by: Jennifer Rose | May 14, 2009 at 08:04 PM
Awesome pictures!
Posted by: Lindsey | May 15, 2009 at 03:13 PM