I haven't spent a lot of time on the computer lately so my blogging seems to have turned into a sporadic adventure. One thing that has kept me away from the computer this summer is hard work in the yard. I've spent the past several months working diligently to turn this place into a pretty cottage garden.
For years I dreamed about gardening, imagining a yard filled with beautiful blooming flowers. I've spent many an hour browsing inspirational photographs on flickr and perusing gobs of library books which I usually check out a dozen or two at a time.
I spent a lot of those years confused by the conflicting information I would read in different sources. I noticed that the "right" way to do things was often exactly the opposite for the same problems from different "experts". I stayed confused most of the time. Their information only served to create fear that rendered me immobile, rooted to the same spot and unable to move.
There was a gradual shift in me over this past year that put me in a place where I finally built up the courage to get my hands dirty and get to gardening. We are talking, after all, about plants. This isn't rocket science! After researching gardening and thinking about things, I finally jumped in with both feet. This time I've actually gone beyond the stage of dreaming about gardening and I've finally, finally taken steps to create a garden of my own.
I'm super glad that I drug home a million gardening books from the library over the years. I've found a few gems that have really inspired me. Easy Gardens for the South by Pamela Crawford is one that I absolutely love. The plant information is organized so well that even I can figure how how to select plants for my gardens. I'm going to purchase my own copy of this one so I can spend the long, cold winter planning out my gardens. What I love about this book is that is focuses on plants that do well in my area. And by "do well" I mean can survive when I forget to water them for a while or forget to prune them or otherwise neglect those pretties. I highly recommend that you seek out gardening books that discuss plants for your state. And if you don't know where to start, then ask your local librarian, cooperative extension office or master gardener.
Oh, and one more exciting thing for those here in the middle Georgia area. Erica Glasener, host of HGTV's Gardener's Diary will be giving a lecture at the end of October. I love her show and will definitely be there!
those are really pretty flowers in that first picture :) Hubby is of the opinion when gardening that pretty much anything goes and if a plant dies it was meant to lol there is a lot of info to go through and yep, much better to just jump in and learn that way :) (I still can't get a cactus to grow, even though I managed to grow other things :/)
Posted by: Jennifer Rose | September 08, 2009 at 03:04 PM
I might have to check that out. I need plants & flowers badly, but dont know what to plant, and dont want anything high maintenance. I thought about Azaleas, the old standby. I would really like to have some Hydrangeas as well.
Posted by: Wendy | September 08, 2009 at 08:13 PM
You're doing a fantastic job - your yard looks lovely and inviting!
Posted by: Kathleen (TheNatureNut) | September 09, 2009 at 05:45 AM
And from what I can see it looks so pretty! Rachaelxo
Posted by: Rachael | September 09, 2009 at 05:58 AM
Gorgeous garden, I can't wait till I have my own space instead of this tiny apartment :)
Posted by: SillyLittleLady | September 09, 2009 at 10:24 AM
I envy anyone who can figure out and do beautiful gardening. I imagine someday I too will do this. Checking out books is probaby a great place to start.
Posted by: Midnight Creations | September 09, 2009 at 11:24 AM
Your time gardening this summer certainly is paying off. Everything looks lovely. Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful week.
Posted by: Common Ground | September 09, 2009 at 11:59 PM
How beautiful! I have a stunning cottage garden--in my head. Someday it will be real.
Thanks for the heads up about the Erica Glasener event. If I can get the day "off" (from homeschooling), I'll be there.
Posted by: Bede Sisters | September 10, 2009 at 08:41 AM